
When fun meets learning

There is nothing I appreciate more than time spent with the kids having fun, but when that time also doubles as time spend with the kids learning its even better! We have been reviewing games from Orchard Toys and I have to say that we have loved them. We already had their iconic Little Bus Lotto Game, (possibly you have this one too, check the cupboard!) but we have got to know a few more than have become favourites around here pretty quick. you see, games are a fantastic way to keep the kids away from the dreaded TV, or if like us you don’t have oner, the iPads, most of them need to be played by 2 or more kids, so they encourage participation and builds social skills and teaches the kids good lessons on winning and losing but because the games are short, its great that all kids can win a time or two in an afternoon playing so nobody feels bad about it. Our current favourite is Giraffes in Scarves, a funny game, where the little kids like Oliver practice addition and it is also fun for children Ariana’s age so they both play it together most…

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