In the last couple of years, particularly, since the kids came along, I have come to realize the importance of friendship. And I don’t mean the ‘easy kind of like friendship’ we nowadays have with other parents kids at pick up, or with neighbors, I mean the true, hardcore, ‘I am always for you here’ kind of friendship. Those are not easy to come by…

I consider myself lucky, as I do have a good handful of friends that I can count in that category, even now that i am living outside my home country (Spain) or my adopted country (Argentina). These new friends are there for me no matter what, to help, and listen, and also to celebrate. I do feel that, whatever your life situation, it is important to have some of these friends. It can more difficult as we get older to forge true lasting relationships, but I have to say that it is possible. I feel I have made wonderful friends at these ‘pick up’ times at the nursery. Women that I can count on if I am late to stay with my kids, to feed them dinner, to make them feel safe while I get to them. To these women, I thank for helping me to feel reassured that my kids and I are welcome in their homes and their lives. They truly make life easier and my heart warmer.